Friday, September 29, 2017

Perbaikan Kompresor Udara Mobil

Kompresor udara mobil

Untuk membuat subjek "Kompresor Kompresor AC" lebih dapat dimengerti dan untuk menyederhanakan proses pemeriksaan dan penggantiannya dalam pekerjaan sehari-hari sebuah garasi otomotif, kami menunjukkan kepada Anda konstruksi dan fungsi kompresor AC ini, jelaskan bagaimana cara memperbaiki dan ganti dan isikan petunjuk untuk mengatasi masalah gangguan dan melakukan penggantian. Video teknis ini memberi Anda informasi praktis dan menunjukkan bagaimana menukar atau mengganti kompresor AC secara profesional.
Kompresor udara mobil: Ikhtisar dan petunjuk penting

 CATATAN : bagi yang kurang paham / tidak mengerti lebih baik ke bengkel terdekat saja thx

Kompresor udara digerakkan oleh mesin kendaraan melalui sabuk berusuk atau berusuk. Ini memampatkan dan mengangkut refrigeran dalam sistem. Ada berbagai jenis desain kompresor.

Refrigerant diisap sebagai gas pada tekanan rendah dan suhu rendah dari evaporator; Kemudian dikompres dan dikirim ke kondensor sebagai gas pada suhu tinggi dan tekanan tinggi.

Catatan!Sebelum memasang kompresor baru, Anda harus memeriksa kuantitas minyak dan viskositas sesuai petunjuk pabrik dan isi ulang sesuai kebutuhan!
Efek kegagalanKompresor yang rusak atau gagal dapat memanifestasikan dirinya sebagai berikut:

Pengembangan kebisingan
Tidak cukup atau tidak ada kinerja pendinginan
Kode kesalahan pada unit kontrol AC atau unit kontrol mesin / pusat

Ada kemungkinan penyebab kegagalan:

Bearing kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh tensioner rusak atau dengan memakai
Kebocoran di poros kompresor atau tempat tinggal
Kerusakan mekanis pada perumahan kompresor
Kontak (koneksi listrik)
Katup kontrol listrik
Kurangnya minyak pendingin
Kurangnya zat pendingin
Padat (misalnya swarf)
Kelembaban (korosi dll)
Elemen penegang yang rusak dan unit tambahan

Penyelesaian masalah:

Uji fungsi dan pengukuran tekanan sistem:

Apakah saklar kompresor menyala, apakah konektornya terpasang dengan benar, apakah daya yang diaplikasikan?
Periksa katup kontrol listrik dan / atau rangkaian aktivasi.
Periksa apakah belt drive diposisikan dengan benar, tidak rusak, dan ada kekuatan.
Periksa secara visual untuk menghilangkan penyegelan.
Periksa apakah selang refrigeran terpasang dengan aman.
Bandingkan tekanan pada sisi tekanan tinggi dan rendah.
Baca memori acara di sistem yang lebih baru.
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Types Of Damage And How To Overcome Uncooled Car Air Conditioner

Types Of Damage And How To Overcome Uncooled Car Air Conditioner Caroline

How To Overcome Uncooled Car Air Conditioning - The problem of car air conditioners that are not cold is often the case. There are several factors that cause the AC is not cold when ignited. However, most car owners do not really know what causes the car air conditioner to be not cold anymore especially when turned on during the day. In fact, car air conditioning is very important to use especially during the day when the weather is hot. However, the damage that happens to the car air conditioner makes us annoyed. For that, need to know the causes and tips to overcome the car air conditioner that is not cold.Read Also: How To Clean Car Seat With Easy And FastTypes Of Damage And How To Overcome Uncooled Car Air Conditioninghow to cope with car ac not coldac cars - wikipedia.orgTo fix the car air conditioner is not cold, we should first look at where the damage occurred in the components of the car air conditioner. There are several types of damage and how to cope with non-cold car air conditioning you should know as follows:1. AC In Life Condition But Not ColdIf you encounter a case like this, such as car air conditioner is alive but still not working properly. The cause of non-cold air conditioning itself can be caused by various things, such as damage to the compressor, fuse, magnetic cludt, blockage in the filter dryer, and evaporator. As for how to fix the AC The car is not cold with a case like this, that is by checking the fuse or fuse part, then check the pressure of the refrigerant or cooling part if there is leakage. If there is a leak, then you can know the location of the leak and can fix it. Then you can do vacuum then add oil, then fill again using new refrigerant. In addition to checking the refrigerant part, you can check the compressor if it is damaged then you can replace it or fix it. In addition, how to cope with car air conditioning is not cold for this case can be by cleaning dirt on evaporator.2. AC Switch With ON Condition, Blower Not OnIf you find AC ON switch case but the blower is not alive, then you can do a way to fix the car air conditioner is not cold during the day by checking the component parts of the blower motor contained in the evaporator. In case of damage then you can repair or replace the motor blower part of the evaporator. In addition, you can check the electrical parts in the blower evaporator earlier. If a broken cable or blower switch is damaged, it should fix it immediately.3. Less Cold Car Air ConditionerIf your car air conditioner is less cold when ignited then you can estimate the cause, such as problems on the condenser, thermostat, condenser or evaporator leakage occurs. How to cope with this non-cold car air conditioner can be by checking the condition of the thermostat and check the stelat part. Is it still functioning well or not. If it does not work, then you can replace this section. In addition, look at the condenser section whether it is covered by other objects or not. This can happen because other objects such as plastic can cause the condenser not to release the maximum heat of refrigant from the compressor.4. No Functioning of Condenser FanIn the case of an AC condenser on the car is not working properly, it will cause the car air conditioner to become cold. This is because the heat released by the condenser itself does not work optimally. The way to overcome the car air conditioner is not cold in this case is to check the fuse, cable, electrical blower connector, and cable socket. If anything is damaged then it should fix it immediately. You can also check the relay part of the fan motor, if there is damage then you should replace the relay.Well, that's a few ways to Overcome Cold Car Air Conditioner by knowing the cause of damage to the car air conditioning components. May be useful!
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Friday, September 22, 2017

Modification Motor c70 Street Cub

Cara Modifikasi Motor c70 :

 Early rare to modify motor c70 street cub is you must have motor c70 first before following step below :)

Modification Motor c70 Street Cub

 Stree Cub

Do not be long to tell us directly to the topic of discussion how to modify motor c70 stree cub follow the steps below
  • Use the handlebar and handlebar holder for the usual people wear for street cub
  • Done replace your handlebar can change triangle c70 you with another or use original I suggest you use the original so that the impression looks clasic
  • in the upholstery you can make / forge your own seat or can also buy upholstery in the store shop in your city if you can not find anything online
  • then on the rear spakbor you grind as you guys who you think are nice and suitable for street cub or you can follow the example in google search
Finished motor c70 you've been modified street cub
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Modifikasi Motor Clasic

Modifikasi Motor Clasic














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Tips Sebelum Mengendarai Motor

1.Sebelum Anda Memulai Mengendarai Motor

Belajar mengendarai sepeda motor sama seperti belajar menyetir. Keduanya bisa sedikit mengintimidasi pada awalnya. Tapi jika Anda mendekati mengendarai sepeda motor dengan hati-hati dan hati-hati, Anda bisa membuat proses belajar kurang mengintimidasi.Begitu Anda sudah menyelesaikan jenis sepeda motor, membeli perlengkapan keselamatan yang memadai, dan mengurus perizinan dan asuransi, Anda hampir siap untuk mengendarai mobil. Tapi ingat: Safety dulu. Tidak ada pengganti untuk kursus SNI atau helm yang pas.Satu hal lagi. Anda juga ingin memastikan bahwa Anda memberikan pemeriksaan menyeluruh pada sepeda motor sebelum menabrak jalan.SNI telah membuat daftar periksa yang mereka sebut T-CLOCS:

  • Ban, roda.
  • Kontrol (tuas dan pedal, kabel, selang, throttle).
  • Cahaya (baterai, lampu depan, sinyal belok, cermin, dll.).
  • Minyak (tingkat cairan).
  • Sasis (bingkai, suspensi, rantai, dll.).
  • Standar (standar tengah dan / atau standar satu).
Sekarang setelah Anda mengurus dasar-dasar, saatnya belajar naik sepeda motor. Daftar periksa berikut dapat membantu Anda untuk pergi.
Aksesoris Keselamatan

Bahkan pada kecepatan parkir, mudah sekali mengikis diri dalam kecelakaan sepeda motor. Pastikan Anda terlindungi dengan mengenakan perlengkapan pengaman sebanyak mungkin, termasuk sarung tangan, pakaian lapis baja, dan sepatu bot. Bahkan jika Anda tidak tinggal di salah satu negara bagian yang mengharuskan beberapa atau semua pengendara sepeda motor memakai helm, selalu ada ide bagus untuk memakainya. Begitu Anda berpakaian untuk bagian itu, Anda siap untuk naik sepeda.

Memasang Posisi Berkendara

Bergantung pada seberapa tinggi Anda, memasang sepeda motor bisa menjadi canggung jika Anda tidak tahu cara mengendarainya. Berdiri di sisi kiri sepeda Anda dengan lutut sedikit tertekuk dan berat badan Anda berpusat di kaki Anda. Mencapai dan meraih pegangan yang tepat dengan tangan kanan Anda, lalu letakkan tangan kiri Anda di pegangan kiri sehingga Anda sedikit condong ke depan sepeda motor.Untuk memasang sepeda motor, goyangkan berat badan Anda ke kaki kirinya, lalu tendang kaki kanan Anda ke belakang, naik dan melewati sepeda motor. Hati-hati mengangkat kaki tinggi-tinggi, atau mungkin tertangkap sebelum sampai ke sisi lain sepeda motor. Begitu Anda mengangkangi sepeda motor, duduklah dan kenali kontrol sepeda motor Anda. Perhatikan posisi footpeg dan lokasi sinyal belok, tanduk, dan lampu. Ingatlah untuk memastikan bahwa cermin Anda disesuaikan; Anda akan bergantung pada mereka saat berkuda.
Kecepatan dan Rem

Saat mengendarai sepeda motor, tangan kanan Anda bertanggung jawab atas dua fungsi penting: percepatan dan pengereman. Dengan memutar pegangan ke arah Anda (sehingga pergelangan tangan Anda bergerak ke bawah), Anda menerapkan throttle. Sedikit twist berjalan jauh, jadi pilah dengan kontrol ini karena memutar mesin bisa menyebabkan ketidakstabilan atau menyebabkan roda depan meninggalkan trotoar.Tangan kanan Anda juga mengontrol rem depan dengan tuas rem. Kelenturan sangat penting disini. Yank tuasnya terlalu keras, dan rem depan bisa mengunci, menyebabkan sepeda motornya tergelincir dan bahkan menabrak. Meskipun kebanyakan tuas rem hanya membutuhkan dua jari, beberapa meminta Anda untuk menggunakan seluruh tangan Anda.Kaki kanan Anda, sementara itu, mengendalikan rem belakang. Rem mana yang terbaik untuk digunakan? Pakar keselamatan mengatakan bahwa, dalam situasi yang paling, dengan lembut menerapkan rem belakang terlebih dahulu, kemudian mereda dan perlahan menerapkan rem depan adalah cara yang paling efektif untuk berhenti. Tapi pengereman dengan aman juga tergantung dari jenis sepeda motor yang Anda tumpangi. Jika Anda memakai sportbike, Anda mungkin bisa lolos dengan hanya menggunakan rem depan Anda; Jika Anda berada di kapal penjelajah berat, Anda akan lebih mengandalkan rem belakang Anda.

Kopling adalah tuas tepat di depan pegangan tangan kiri. Sebagian besar sportbikes hanya membutuhkan operasi dua jari. Tur, jelajah, dan sepeda motor lainnya sering membutuhkan seluruh tangan untuk meraih tuasnya.Kopling pada sepeda motor melakukan hal yang sama dengan kopling mobil; Ini melibatkan dan melepaskan transmisi dan mesin. Saat Anda menekan tuas kopling, Anda secara efektif meletakkan   sepeda motor di netral (bahkan jika penggeseknya di gigi). Saat Anda melepaskannya, Anda melibatkan mesin dan transmisi. Berlatihlah menarik kopling dengan tangan kiri perlahan. Bayangkan itu sebuah dial dengan berbagai kekuatan, bukan tombol rocker on / off, dan yo

Naik dan Turun Gigi

Sepeda motor bergeser secara berbeda dari pada mobil. Saat beroperasi dengan prinsip yang sama, sepeda motor bergeser dieksekusi dengan menggerakkan tuas ke atas atau ke bawah dengan kaki kiri. Pola pergeseran yang khas, yang disebut "satu ke bawah, lima," terlihat seperti ini:

Gigi keenam (jika ada).
Gigi kelima
Gigi keempat
Gigi ketiga
Gigi kedua
Gigi pertama                biasa gigi di sepeda motor bebek di indonesia sampai gigi empat :v

Menemukan netral dengan kaki kiri Anda membutuhkan beberapa membiasakan diri. Berlatih dengan mengklik shifter bolak-balik; cari hijau "N" untuk menerangi alat ukur. Sementara beberapa sepeda motor bisa digeser tanpa menggunakan kopling, biasakan menggunakan kopling setiap kali bergeser.Seperti transmisi manual di mobil, mulailah dengan melepaskan kopling, lalu bergeser gigi dan perlahan kembali melibatkan kopling. Bulu throttle dengan kopling menambahkan kelancaran ke proses perpindahan. Pastikan untuk tidak over-rev di setiap roda gigi dan bergeser sebelum mesin mulai bekerja terlalu keras.
Memulai Sepeda Motor

Kecuali Anda memiliki sepeda motor vintage, sepeda motor Anda memiliki pengapian elektronik yang membuat mesin mulai semudah dengan mobil. Sepeda motor Anda tidak akan menyala kecuali saklar membunuh berada di posisi "on", jadi turunkan sebelum Anda memutar kunci (saklar pembom biasanya adalah saklar rocker merah yang dioperasikan oleh ibu jari kanan). Selanjutnya, putar kunci ke posisi "kunci kontak", yang biasanya ke kanan.Pastikan Anda netral, lalu gunakan jempol kanan untuk menekan tombol start, yang biasanya terletak di bawah sakelar mematikan dan ditandai dengan logo panah melingkar yang mengelilingi baut petir. Banyak sepeda motor mengharuskan Anda melepaskan kopling saat menghidupkan mesin. Ini hanyalah tindakan pencegahan untuk mencegah agar sepeda motor tidak sengaja melaju ke depan karena ada gigi.Saat Anda memegang tombol start, mesin akan berbalik dan mulai menganggur. Sepeda motor  karburator mungkin memerlukan sedikit putaran throttle saat mesin menyala untuk mendapatkan bahan bakar ke dalam silinder; Sepeda motor yang disuntikkan bahan bakar tidak membutuhkan ini.
Pemanasan Mesin

Praktik pemanasan mesin mobil telah banyak menjadi usang, namun pemanasan mesin sepeda motor masih menjadi bagian penting dari ritual berkuda, terutama saat sepeda motor dikremasi. Dengan melakukan hal tersebut, pastikan mesin menghasilkan tenaga yang konsisten dan konsisten saat Anda memulai perjalanan. Anda harus diam selama 45 detik sampai beberapa menit, tergantung pada faktor-faktor seperti suhu lingkungan, perpindahan mesin, dan kapasitas oli. Gunakan alat pengukur suhu sebagai panduan umum, dan hindari menghidupkan mesin.
Standar satu

Sebagian besar sepeda motor modern otomatis mati jika kickstand masih turun saat sepeda motornya digerakkan. Jika sepeda motor Anda tidak dilengkapi dengan fitur ini, pastikan Anda mencabut kickstand dengan menendangnya dengan kaki kiri dan membiarkannya diselipkan di bawah bagian bawah bodi mobil. Tidak melakukannya bisa menghasilkan bahaya keamanan yang serius.Centerstands, yang dipasang di bawah sepeda motor, mengharuskan sepeda motornya diayunkan ke depan. Berdiri di sebelah kiri sepeda motor, letakkan tangan kiri Anda di pegangan kiri dan luruskan ban depan. Letakkan kaki kanan Anda di tang tengah berdiri untuk memastikannya rata di tanah, lalu dorong sepeda motor dengan lembut ke depan. Tempat berdiri harus kemudian klik dan pop up.
Naik dan kemudi

Sekarang setelah Anda meninjau semua langkah bagaimana mengendarai sepeda motor, saatnya untuk menghantam jalan. Tarik tuas kopling, tekan shifter ke roda gigi pertama, lepaskan kopling perlahan, dan mulailah merasakan sepeda motor bergerak maju. Dengan lembut memutar throttle, Saat sepeda  motor melaju maju, letakkan kaki Anda di pasak.Tentu saja, Anda tidak akan naik dalam garis lurus. Anda harus tahu cara menyetir sepeda motor Anda. Sama seperti sepeda motor , sepeda motor diputar dengan countersteering di atas sekitar 10 mph, bukan dengan memutar setang dari kiri ke kanan. Countersteering melibatkan mendorong pegangan di sisi yang ingin Anda putar. Jika Anda ingin berbelok ke kanan, Anda harus bersandar sedikit ke kanan sambil mendorong pegangan tangan kanan dari Anda. Turning sebenarnya lebih mudah dilakukan daripada mendeskripsikan, jadi percayalah naluri Anda saat Anda keluar dengan sepeda motor.Aturan utamanya adalah manuver sepeda motor Anda dengan sentuhan halus dan masukan bertahap. Melakukan hal itu tidak hanya akan membuat Anda menjadi pengendara yang lebih aman, ini akan membuat Anda berkuda lebih anggun dan tanpa usaha. Ingatlah untuk memulai dengan perlahan. Belajar mengendarai sepeda motor dengan skill butuh waktu dan latihan.

Ingat keselamatan no.1 gunakan keselamatan berstandar SNI.
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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

How to Maintain Motorcycles.

How to Maintain Motorcycles


First replace the engine oil or gear oil that fits your motorcycle as often as possible while lubricating your gears and engines, and keep the engine cool. Not changing the engine oil will cause further damage to the machine that can not be noticed early on. The owner's manual will determine how often oil should be replaced and this schedule should be followedSpark plugsSpark plugs are goods that cause sparks which in turn will ignite gasoline. This should be changed as specified in the owner's manual (or if there is a problem). It is important to use the correct class and spark plug type. If the manual shows an iridium plug then this can be worth the extra cost, which lasts 10,000 miles (16,000 km) or more. Considering it took several hours to access the spark plugs on many of these modern bikes money well spent.Chain LubricantThe chain that rotates the rear tire should be continuously lubricated. If it continues to be lubricated, it should last for a very long time (30,000 miles (48,000 km) is unusual). If it is not lubricated, it will be damaged by excess heat and will be worn. This cumulative wear on all the separate links makes the chain loose, and more likely to fall out of sprockets. This can be very dangerous indeed. The chain tightening procedure should be specified in the owner's manual, but keep in mind that being too tight is much worse than being too loose.Tune Up

Tune up is very important for your motorcycle so you guys know if there are any components that need to be repaired, motorcycles will change the settings of your motorbikes at any time, to avoid that thing you have to check the tune up routine I suggest to the official shop because of the problem the official workshop knows more about what happens to your motorcycleBefore the motorcycle runsBefore you go to use the motorcycle early in the morning you should warm up the engine first about not too long enough to heat the engine 3-5 minutes only if the engine is heated too long and no way will result in damage to your motorcycle engineChecking BanChecking tire treads once a week is a good habit. you should change the tire when you see a change in the way motorcycles handle, as determined by local law, or the soonest when the tread is worn to the clothing bar. Non-hot tires will overheat and may fail. Increased tire increases will give less than optimal grip.

Clean the motorcycleWashing a motorcycle is also important for your motorcycle other than your motorcycle looks clean you can also check if there is a missing motorcycle / parts bolt partA few tips from me how to care for a motorcycle properly may be useful for all of you: v
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How To Clean The Air Filter

How To Clean The Air Filter

Please note that one of the things that must be understood for every motorcycle owner that must know how to clean the air filter motor. Because the air filter on two-wheeled vehicle is a component in the engine runway that must be maintained and cared for considering its role is very important in supporting the performance of the machine itself. Therefore, knowing how to take care of motor air filters is a step that must be understood and done by every owner of this two-wheeled vehicle. But, Mas Sena wants to explain a little about what is the air filter on the motor and what is its usefulness. Here sob, air filter or also called the air filter is a brief device in the kitchen runway a motor vehicle in charge of filtering incoming air from outside in order to support the combustion performance in the combustion chamber on the engine runway. Therefore, the knowledge of how to clean the air filter motor properly is very important to be done so that the engine engine runway on the motor becomes more maintained and maintained its quality.

It should be understood again that how to clean the motor air filter is also one of the steps that must be applied to support the engine performance. In fact, no need to any workshop, if friends Mas Sena already on understand how to care for this motor air filter so my friend can do it independently easily at home. Well, as an air filter component, how to properly care for motor air filters do have to be done regularly, especially if the motor that my friend has often ridden to pass through a lot of dust that will certainly make the air filter dirty so routine cleaning needs to be done. Therefore, if the air filter is rarely cleaned then the combustion process on the motor will be disrupted, especially if a lot of dirt or dust that comes in and scratch the cylinder or piston walls, of course, the engine performance of the pacemaker will not run into trouble. Related to how to clean the air filter motor, before far step about taking care of this motor air filter, Mas Sena want to convey some type or type of motor air filter. What are they? No need to linger, to begin the discussion related to how to clean the motor air filter, the following explanation of some types of air filters that must know my friend and understand!Motor Air Filter TypeBelow are some types of motor air filters that we must recognize, among others:

1.Conventional Motor Air Filter
This type of motor air filter is an air filter that is generally made of foam or spoon material. However, for conventional air filter type itself is usually pinned on two-wheeled vehicles produced before 2005. how to clean the air filter of this type of motor is quite intensive, because if this filter is not working that can be seen from the surface spoon that has begun to break or not flat and many holes. In addition, if the condition of the foam or spoon filter is dirty and can not be cleaned again then my friend should immediately replace it with a new air filter.

2.Dry Motor Air Filter
In addition, one type of motor air filter commonly used is a type of dry air filter or so-called filter dry element. how to care for a motor air filter this one is easier because it is made slightly thicker than the type of foam so it is not easily damaged. However, although not easily damaged, the replacement of this type of filter remains mandatory when marking some features, among others, the form of this dry filter has been seen hollow and can not be cleaned again. In fact, if the conditions on the filter paper fins are already visible crooked then do not have to wait a long time to replace it with a new one.

 3.Wet Air Filter
 Finally, the type of motor air filter that is also widely used is the type of wet air filter or wet element. The material is very similar to the type of dry filter, which is equally using paper material, just to clean the air filter of this type of motor, need special treatment because this type of wet filter contains a special lubricant that functions to catch dirt or dust and protect the combustion chamber the engine is more leverage. In general, this type of wet air filter is often found in motor matic production in 2014. On the other hand, this wet air filter should not be washed or cleaned by using brush or brush because it is feared if washed with water or high-pressure wind pump will actually remove the lubricant which exists on the surface of this wet type motor air filter.

How to Clean a Motor Air FilterWell, below the steps or guidelines how to clean the motor air filter, which is as follows:

How to Clean Air Filter Motor Type Spoon / Foam (Conventional)At the beginning of the discussion on how to clean the motor air filter, Mas Sena will begin to explain the related treatment of spoon type filters. To take care of it, you need to clean it regularly every month. To take care of this spoon type air motor filter is also known quite easily where you can just by spraying using high-pressure wind or compressor. In fact, how to take care of air filters of motor spoon / foam type (conventional) this can also be washed with gasoline or soaked in water mixed with soap and kucek-kucek slowly until the dirt is lost. If you have, dry with step squeezed but do not twisted to spoon not easily damaged. It would be great, after dry you can lubricate or melumurinya with a little oil evenly so that dirt or dust easily captured and filtered using this filter. In addition, please also note that the correct way to clean the correct spoon / foam motor air filter is also strongly recommended to replace it with a new one if it exceeds 16.000 Km.

How To Clean Air Filter Dry Motor TypeNext, Mas Sena will explain how to clean the air filter of dry type motor. Unlike the spoon type filter, for this type of dry air motor filter is not easily damaged and more durable so that the price is relatively more expensive. However, for regular cleaning and replacement needs to be done regularly. Mas Sena recommend for this filter must be replaced with new each stepping multiples of 8000 km - 9000 Km. However, interesting to the treatment process is easier and concise. The reason, how to clean the air filter of this type of dry motorcycle buddy only need to spray with high-pressure wind or compressor and directed at each sidelines of the filter. Keep in mind also that to clean it, spray the filter part from the opposite direction to the air intake. Oh yes sob, do not clean this type of dry filter by using gasoline or washed with soap because if the way to clean the air filter motor dry type wrong step, it will make this filter just become easily damaged.

How to Clean Air Filter Motor Type WetStepping on the next segment, now we will review how to clean the wet motor type air filter. As it is well known that this type of air filter is the newest type of filter with a fabricating material similar to a dry filter, which is equally from paper. Although the same but how to treat different because despite the same material, for this wet filter contains a special lubricant layer which will maximize the filter in capture the dirt. However, for how to care for this wet air motor type filter it should not be sprayed using a compressor and prohibited to be washed. In fact, it should not be cleaned with a brush or brush. Because, if sprayed, washed or brushed it will remove the lubricant that coats this air filter. So, how to take care how ya? Well, for guidance how to clean the air filter of this wet motor type, my friend just need to beat it lightly or with wipe thinly and slowly. However, Mas Sena strongly recommend, if this type of wet air filter the condition of dirt or dust attached is very thick then immediately replaced with the new

After knowing the three ways to clean the air filter motor above, surely my friend can apply it yourself at home. In addition, Mas Sena suggest to clean the air filter of this motor, no need to wait distance limit. Check the condition of the air filter once a week to clean if it is very dirty. However, for the wet filter type, replace it immediately with a new wet filter

NOTE: if you are hesitant to do better you should do it in an expert person

A few tips from me may be useful: v
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How To Motorcycle Modifications Thailook

This time I will share how to make your motorcycle become thailook, hearing thailook name would you know the shape of thailook motorcycle, thailook motorcycle is to make your motor as beautiful as possible, usually people make motorcycles thailook to enter the contest and to follow thailook community in indonesia.

Go straight to the topic of conversation how to make your motorcycle to be beautiful (THAILOOK)follow the steps below

the first step to make a thailook motor is a motor that certainly if no motor how you want modifications thailook

  •     Lamp

    •         you can change the lights or not too anything

    •         if you want to replace the lamp replace with projie lamp because this lamp is suitable for you to beautify your motorcycle

    •         for the back lights you replace with variation lights that are fixed variation does not change any no problem

  •     Spion

    •         just like the lights were willing to use the original mirror or in the change was not an important problem your motorcycle looks beautiful
    •         if you want to replace the rearview mirror is a folding mirror / variation

  •     Handle

    •         change your handle by handling the best variations

  •     Velg
    •         change your alloy wheels with variations of variations you can buy in variation stores or online 
    •  if you want more beautiful you should search online only

  •      Exhaust
    • change your exhaust with exhaust variation if you do not want to buy exhaust you can bake your exhaust
    • well if you do not like the noise is better not to change or in your exhaust swamp
    • nah read more how to membobok exhaust Here
    • Beautify your motorcycle engine
    • well you may follow this way may not because depending on whether you want or not because doing this expensive hargannya
    • if you want to beautify your machine, you chrome your machine to look shiny

  •     Cat Body Bike Your motor
    •         paint your motorcycle bdoy with a color that you think is beautiful and match the color of other accessories if it does not match the color of your variations accessories motorcycle so not good views
    •         if you want you guys can also paint your chassis / motorcycle rods
    •         read also how to paint a motorcycle and a motorcycle / chassis bar Here

Finish you can try to modify your own thailook motorcycle when it is finished modification motorcycle thailook you attach a photo in the comment field yes :)
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